Early August Update

I had blood and ultrasound yesterday in the morning, there was some issues with getting all the information from RBA, so I just got my call back this afternoon. My estradiol is 863, progesterone 1.22, and LH .2. Lining is a 7.7 IE. I'm to up my estrace to 6 pills a day (4 orally, 2 vaginally) and go back for blood and u/s on Saturday. I can't even get through a mock without having to up my dosages and go back again! :) There was fluid again in the cavity, we'll continue forward though and see what happens when the progesterone is started.

My IPs are wonderful, as always, and we're all just hoping when the mock is completed that the RE will have some insights on how to try this again and make it work - with NO fluid!

My contact is driving me nuts and I'm on overload at work right now, so I'd best get back to it, just wanted to post my results!


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